Through a robust and integrative research program, Emergency Medicine faculty, residents, and medical students play a critical role in improving our understanding of emergency care. ​
Resident Scholarly Activity
Our PGY-1 residents are expected to identify potential areas of research interest and contact faculty mentors with similar or matching interests. PGY-2 residents are expected to be actively involved in a faculty research project, and PGY-3 residents are expected to disseminate their research findings through conference presentation and/or journal article submission. Together, our EM faculty and Research Director, Gregg Davis, PhD, provide mentorship and guidance to our residents throughout this process to help develop critical research skills.
Our residents have also been involved in the (OLOL) Our Lady of the Lake Hospital’s Quality Scholars Project and presented results at our local annual LSUHSC-Baton Rouge/OLOL Quality + Research Day held in Baton Rouge.
Faculty Research Interests
Our faculty have a diverse range of interests including pre-hospital care, resuscitation, trauma, respiratory failure, toxicology, and graduate medical education. We have several local and national collaborative research projects that aim to lead emergency medicine toward cutting-edge, evidence-based care. Below are just a few examples:
SQuISH (Solving the Question of Inflammation or Sepsis Hastily)
The primary objective of this study is to determine ways that future patient care can be impacted through the use of the IntelliSep test, an investigational microfluidic platform developed by Cytovale, Inc; exploring the creation the process for integration of the test into the routine function of the Emergency Department and assess demand for the test.
PRagmatic Trial Examining OXygenation prior to Intubation (PREOXI) – Multi-site trial funded by the Department of Defense
Comparison of preoxygenation with Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation versus Preoxygenation with Facemask Oxygen in Preventing Hypoxemia during Intubation.
Multi-Center Prospective Project for Prehospital Ketamine
The objective of this study is to determine how pre-hospital administration of ketamine affects disposition of the trauma patient and the appropriate dose that balances the challenges of pre-hospital transport of a trauma patient with appropriate disposition of a patient arriving at a trauma center.
Examining Renal Function before and after exposure to IV CT contrast in patients presenting as acute stroke alerts to a Regional Medical Center Emergency Department
Assessment of the accuracy of the video oximetry software, as compared to two separate technologies: Pulse Oximetry & Oxy-hemoglobin concentration, as determined by co-oximetry during Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) measurement. The secondary objective is to assess for any potential factors that may interfere with accuracy of the result.
ACE Inhibitor Induced Angioedema and Treatment with Tranexamic Acid
Determine if ACE-Inhibitor induced Angioedema patient outcomes are different in those that receive TXA as a treatment option compared to those that do not receive TXA.
Simulation Based Resident Education in Relation to Patient Safety Practices and Procedural Efficacy of Midline Catheter Placement
Gain a better understanding of how simulation-based education may affect resident skills, competency, and patient safety with performing midline catheter placement.
The goal of this study is to measure survival rates associated with patients presenting in cardiac arrest based on their electrocardiographic rhythm and their echocardiographic rhythm.
Exploring Physician Behaviors with a Palliative Care/Emergency Room Serious-Illness Intervention
The aim of this study is to examine physician self-reported satisfaction and perceived impact on patient care and outcomes with a informative palliative care videos provided to patients in the emergency department. We will also examine patient self-reported satisfaction with these videos, quantifiable impact on care choices, and hospitalization outcomes.
A Sampling of Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hollenbeak CS, Henning DJ, Geeting GK, Ledeboer NA, Faruqi IA, Pierce CG, Thomas CB, O'Neal HR Jr. Costs and Consequences of a Novel Emergency Department Sepsis Diagnostic Test: The IntelliSep Index. Crit Care Explor. 2023 Jul 14;5(7):e0942. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000942. PMID: 37465702; PMCID: PMC10351935.
Taylor W Sanders, Mitchell S Hymowitz, Christine M Murphy. 034. Metal Pneumonitis from “Non-toxic” Decorative Cake Dust Aspiration. 2023 ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts - San Diego, CA. J Med Toxicol. 2023 Mar 23;19(2):63-168. doi: 10.1007/s13181-023-00930-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36952114; PMCID: PMC10035466.
Hamer D, Jones GN, Loewe MR, Musso MW. Impact on an Urgent Care Clinic of a New Freestanding Emergency Department in a Resource-Scarce Area. Ochsner J. 2022 Fall;22(3):211-217. doi: 10.31486/toj.21.0146. PMID: 36189087; PMCID: PMC9477131.
A Sampling of Conference Presentations
National Conferences
Sanders, T; Hymowitz, M; Murphy, C. Metal Pneumonitis from “Non-toxic” Decorative Cake Dust Aspiration. Abstract presented at American College of Medical Toxicology Annual Scientific Meeting. March 31-April 2, 2023. San Diego, CA.
Sanders, T.; George, K; Murphy, C. Negative Urine Drug Screens Leading to Diagnostic Momentum Bias, a Call to Arms for Improved Provider Education. Abstract presented at American College of Medical Toxicology Annual Scientific Meeting. March 31-April 2, 2023. San Diego, CA.
Regional Conferences
Sanders, T. The UDS: Avoiding Harm from the Inherently Flawed. Oral presentation at the Louisiana American College of Emergency Physicians Chapter Meeting. March 9, 2023. Baton Rouge, LA.
Faruqi, I. Resiliency in Medicine. Oral presentation at Louisiana American Academy of Emergency Physicians Chapter Meeting. October 26, 2022. New Orleans, LA.
Local Conferences
​Burgin, D; Allen, W; Bourgoyne, B; Hymowitz, M; Soltau, R; Thomas, C. Increasing Prevalence of Safety Event Reporting by Residents At Our Lady of the Lake Hospital. Quality Scholars Project presented at LSU-Baton Rouge/OLOL Quality + Research Day, May 11, 2023 in Baton Rouge, LA.
Holbrook, B; Barnett, L; Allen, B. Nontraumatic Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Forearm: A Case Report. Abstract presented at LSU-Baton Rouge/OLOL Quality + Research Day, May 11, 2023 in Baton Rouge, LA.
Rear, A; Sanders, T. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Case Illustrating Diagnostic Dilemmas. Abstract presented at LSU-Baton Rouge/OLOL Quality + Research Day, May 11, 2023 in Baton Rouge, LA.
Western, B; Richard, R. Beyond Cellulitis-Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome. Abstract presented at LSU-Baton Rouge/OLOL Quality + Research Day, May 11, 2023 in Baton Rouge, LA.